List of LTT/NTUA publications on Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostic methods (component faults, engine deterioration etc.)

  1. Romesis C., Aretakis N., Mathioudakis K. (2024). "Model-Assisted Probabilistic Neural Networks for Effective Turbofan Fault Diagnosis." Aerospace 2024, 11(11), 913 [abstract]

  2. Mathioudakis K., Alexiou A., Aretakis N., Romesis C. (2024). "Signatures of Compressor and Turbine Faults in Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostics: A Review." Energies 2024, 17(14), 3409. [abstract]

  3. Mathioudakis K., Aretakis N., Alexiou A. (2024). "Determining Steady-State Operation Criteria Using Transient Performance Modelling and Steady-State Diagnostics". Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 2863. [abstract]

  4. Rompokos, P., Aretakis, N., Roumeliotis, I., & Mathioudakis, K. (2020). "Application of an Advanced Adaptation Methodology for Gas Turbine Performance Monitoring". GPPS paper GPPS-CH-2020-0092 [abstract][Presentation]

  5. Ntonas, K., Aretakis, N., Roumeliotis, I., Pariotis, E., Paraskevopoulos, Y., & Zannis, T. (2020). "Integrated Simulation Framework for Assessing Turbocharger Fault Effects on Diesel-Engine Performance and Operability" Journal of Energy Engineering, 146(4), 4020023., [abstract]

  6. Koskoletos O., Aretakis N., Alexiou A., Romesis C., Mathioudakis K."Evaluation Of Aircraft Engine Gas Path Diagnostic Methods Through PRODIMES" Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140(12), 121016, (also ASME Paper GT2018-76647) [abstract] [Presentation]

  7. Roumeliotis I., Aretakis N., Alexiou A. "Industrial Gas Turbine Health and Performance Assessment With Field Data" Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 139(5), 51202. (also ASME Paper GT2016-57722) [abstract] [Presentation]

  8. Romesis C., Aretakis N., Roumeliotis I., Alexiou A., Tsalavoutas A., Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K. "Experience With Condition Based Maintenance Related Methods And Tools For Gas Turbines", The future of Gas Turbine Technology, 7th International Gas Turbine Conference 2014, IGTC 2014 paper 29 [abstract] [Paper] [Presentation]

  9. Aretakis N., Roumeliotis I., Alexiou A., Romesis C., Mathioudakis K., "Turbofan Engine Health Assessment From Flight Data", Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(4), Also ASME GT2014-26443 [abstract] [Presentation]

  10. Kalathakis C., Romessis C.,Aretakis N., Mathioudakis K.,"Fault Diagnosis Of Thermal Turbomachines Using Support Vector Machines (SVM)", ISABE-2013-1324 [abstract] [Presentation] [Paper]

  11. Roumeliotis I., Aretakis N., Mathioudakis K., Yfantis E., "Modelling And Assessment Of Compressor Faults On Marine Gas Turbine", ASME Paper GT-2012-69740 [abstract] [Presentation]

  12. Aretakis N., Roumeliotis I., Doumouras G., Mathioudakis K., "Compressor Washing Economic Analysis and Optimization for Power Generation", Applied Energy 95 (2012) 77–86. [abstract]

  13. Aretakis N., Roumeliotis I., Mathioudakis K., "Performance Model “Zooming” For In-Depth Component Fault Diagnosis", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, March 2011, Vol. 133, No. 3, 031602-1 (11 pages) [abstract] [PDF presentation] (also: ASME paper GT2010-23262)

  14. Romessis C., Mathioudakis K., "Estimation of Gas Turbines Gradual Deterioration Through a Dempster-Schafer based Fusion Method", ISABE paper 2009-1301 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  15. Kyriazis A., Mathioudakis K., "Enhanced Fault Localization Using Probabilistic Fusion With Gas Path Analysis Algorithms", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, September 2009, Vol. 131, No. 5, 051601 (9 pages) [abstract] [PDF presentation] (also: ASME Paper GT2008-51079)

  16. Kyriazis A., Tsalavoutas A., Mathioudakis K., Bauer M., Johanssen O., "Gas Turbine Fault Identification by Fusing Vibration Trending and Gas Path Analysis", ASME paper GT2009-59942 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  17. Kyriazis A., Mathioudakis K., "Gas Turbines Diagnostics Using Weighted Parallel Decision Fusion Framework", 8th European Turbomachinery Conference proceedings, paper 257, March 23-27, 2009, Graz Austria [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  18. Romessis C., Kyriazis A., Mathioudakis K., "Fusion of Gas Turbines Diagnostic Inference: The Dempster-Schafer Approach", ASME paper GT2007-27043 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  19. Romessis C., Mathioudakis K., "Detection of Gas Turbines Malfunctions From Emission Concentration Distributions", ASME paper GT2007-27107 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  20. Romessis C., Kamboukos Ph., Mathioudakis K., "The Use of Probabilistic Reasoning to Improve Least Squares Based Gas Path Diagnostics", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 129, No. 4, October 2007, pp. 970-976 [abstract] [PDF presentation] (also: ASME paper GT2006-90619)

  21. Kamboukos Ph., Mathioudakis K., "Turbofan Engine Health Assessment by Combining Steady and Transient State Aerothermal Data", 7th European Turbomachinery Conference, paper 137, March 5-9, 2007, Athens, Greece [abstract]

  22. Mathioudakis K., Aretakis N., Yfantis E., "A Possibility for On-Board Training for Marine Gas Turbine Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics", Conference Proceedings MECON 2006, 29 August-1 September 2006 Hamburg [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  23. Kamboukos Ph., Mathioudakis K., "Multipoint Non-Linear Method for Enhanced Component and Sensor Malfunction Diagnosis", ASME paper GT2006-90451 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  24. Dewallef P., Romessis C., Leonard O., Mathioudakis K., "Combining Classification Techniques With Kalman Filters For Aircraft Engine Diagnostics", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 128, No. 2, April 2006, pp. 281-287 [abstract] (also: ASME paper GT-2004-53541)

  25. Romessis C., Mathioudakis K., "Bayesian Network Approach for Gas Path Fault Diagnosis", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 128, No. 1, January 2006, pp. 64-72 [abstract] [PDF presentation] (also: ASME paper GT-2004-53801)

  26. Mathioudakis K., Kamboukos Ph., "Assessment of the Effectiveness of Gas Path Diagnostic Schemes", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 128, No. 1, January 2006, pp. 57-63 [abstract] (also: ASME paper GT2004-53862 )

  27. Mathioudakis K, Aretakis N., Tsalavoutas A., "Diagnostic Methods and their Application for the Efficient Management of Gas Turbines", 1st Pan-Hellenic Congress of Mechanical engineers, 2005, Athens, Greece (text in Greek) [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  28. Romessis C., Mathioudakis K., "Implementation of Stochastic Methods For Industrial Gas Turbine Fault Diagnosis", ASME paper GT2005-68739 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  29. Kamboukos Ph., Mathioudakis K., “Comparison of Linear And Non-Linear Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostics”, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, Vol. 127, No. 1, January 2005 pp 49-56 [abstract] (also: ASME Paper GT-2003-38518)

  30. Kamboukos Ph., Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., "Gas Turbine Component Fault Detection from a Limited Number of Measurements", Proceedings Of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, PART A, Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 218, No. A8, Dec 2004, pp. 609-618 (PE Publishing Award for the best paper published in the journal in 2004) [abstract]

  31. Dewallef P., Leonard O., Mathioudakis K., "On-Line Aircraft Engine Diagnostic Using A Soft-Constrained Kalman Filter", ASME paper GT2004-53539 [abstract]

  32. Kamboukos Ph., Mathioudakis K., “Optimization Methods in Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostics”, Design Optimization International Conference, March 31-April 2, 2004, Athens, Greece [abstract]

  33. Kamboukos Ph., Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., "A Comparative Study Of Optimization Methods For Jet Engine Condition Diagnosis", ISABE paper 2003-1231, 16th ISABE, Aug 31-Sept 5 2003, Cleveland, USA [abstract]

  34. Aretakis N., Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., “Non-Linear Engine Component Fault Diagnosis From A Limited Number Of Measurements Using A Combinatorial Approach”, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, Vol. 125, No. 3, July 2003, pp. 642-650 [abstract] [PDF presentation] (also: ASME paper GT-2002-30031 ) (Best paper award, of the Controls and Diagnostics Committee of IGTI / ASME)

  35. Kamboukos Ph., Stamatis A. , Mathioudakis K., "Turbofan Fault Detection Using Non-Linear Models and Optimization Techniques", 5th European Turbomachinery Conference, paper DI02/196, Prague, 17-22 March 2003 [abstract]

  36. Mathioudakis K., Aretakis N., Tsalavoutas A., “Increasing Diagnostic Effectiveness By Inclusion Of Fuel Composition And Water Injection Effects”, ASME paper GT-2002-30032, ASME Turbo Expo 2002 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  37. Mathioudakis K., Kamboukos Ph., Stamatis A., “Turbofan Performance Deterioration Tracking Using Non-Linear Models And Optimization Techniques”, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol 124, No. 4, Oct 2002, pp. 580-587 (also: ASME paper GT-2002-30026 [PDF presentation])

  38. Mathioudakis K., Tsalavoutas A., “Uncertainty Reduction in Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostics by Accounting for Humidity Effects”, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, Vol. 124, No. 4, Oct. 2002, pp. 801-808 [abstract] [PDF presentation] (also: paper ASME 2001-GT-0010)

  39. Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., Bonataki E., “Allocating the Causes of Performance Deterioration in CCGT Plants”, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power , Vol. 124, No. 2, April 2002, pp. 256-262 [abstract]

  40. Romessis C., Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., "Setting up a Belief Network for Turbofan Diagnosis With the Aid of an Engine Performance Model", 15th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, Sept 3-7, 2001, Bangalore, India, ISABE paper 2001-1032 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  41. Kamboukos Ph., Oikonomou P., Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., “Optimizing Diagnostic Effectiveness of Mixed Turbofans by Means of Adaptive Modelling and Choice of Appropriate Monitoring Parameters”, RTO Symposium on AGING MECHANISMS AND CONTROL. Part B: Monitoring and Management of Gas Turbine Fleets for Extended Life and Reduced Costs Manchester, UK, 8-11 October 2001 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  42. Romessis C, Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., “A Parametric Investigation of the Diagnostic Ability of Probabilistic Neural Networks on Turbofan Engines”, ASME paper 2001-GT-0011, 46th ASME International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Technical Congress, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 4-7, 2001 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  43. Tsalavoutas A., Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., Smith M.K., “Identifying Faults in the Variable Geometry System of a Gas Turbine Compressor”, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 123, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 33-39 (also: ASME paper 2000-GT-0033 [PDF presentation])

  44. Pouliezos A., Stavrakakis G., Mathioudakis K., “On-Line Leak Monitoring in Fluid Pumping Systems”, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2000, pp. 213-220.

  45. Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., Tsalavoutas A., Aretakis N., "Instructing the Principles of Gas Turbine Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics by Means of Interactive Computer Models", ASME paper 2000-GT-0584, 45th ASME International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Technical Congress, MUNICH, GERMANY, 8-11 May 2000. [Presentation]

  46. Tsalavoutas A., Aretakis N., Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., “Combining Advanced Data Analysis Methods for the Constitution of an Integrated Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic System”, ASME paper 2000-GT-0034, 45th ASME International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Technical Congress, MUNICH, GERMANY, 8-11 May 2000 [PDF presentation]

  47. Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., Bonataki E., “Diagnosing the Sources of Overall Performance Deterioration in CCGT” , ASME paper 99-GT-364, 44th ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 6-9 1999, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

  48. Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D., “Assessing the Effects of Deposits on Turbine Blading in a Twin Shaft Gas Turbine”, ASME paper 99-GT-362, 44th ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 6-9 1999, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

  49. Sieros G., Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., “Jet Engine Component Maps for Performance Modelling and Diagnostics”, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol 13, No. 5, September-October 1997, pp. 665-674

  50. Stamatis A., Papailiou K.D., “Using HPC in Gas Turbine Blade Fault Diagnosis”, HPCN Europe 97 Conference Proceedings , Vienna April 1997 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer)

  51. Tsalavoutas K., Mathioudakis K., Smith M.K., "Processing of circumferential temperature distributions for the detection of gas turbine burner malfunctions", ASME paper 96-GT-103, 41st ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 1996, Birmingham, UK.

  52. Sieros G., Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., "Analytical Representation of Jet Engine Turbomachinery Components Characteristics for Use in Engine Performance Modelling and Diagnosis", XII ISABE, Melbourne, Australia, Sept 10-15, 1995

  53. Mathioudakis K., Tsalavoutas A., "Identification of Mechanical Alterations from their Effect on Performance of a Radial Compressor", ASME paper 95-GT-62, 40th ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 1995, Houston, TX, USA

  54. Lambiris B., Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., Papailiou K.D., "Adaptive Modelling of Jet Engine Performance With Application to Condition Monitoring", AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol 10, No 6, Nov-Dec 1994, pp. 890-896 (also: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), Notingham, UK, Sep. 1991)

  55. Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., "Compressor Fault Identification From Overall Performance Data Based on Adaptive Stage Stacking", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, Vol. 116, No 1, January 1994, pp. 156-164

  56. Loukis E., Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D., "A Methodology for the Design of Automated Gas Turbine Diagnostic Systems", ASME paper 93-GT-47, 38th ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, May 1993, Cincinnati OH, USA.

  57. Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D., "Optimal Measurements and Health Indices Selection for Gas Turbine Performance Status and Fault Diagnosis", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, Vol. 114, No 2, April 1992, pp. 209-216 (also: ASME paper 91-GT-294)

  58. Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., Berios K., Papailiou K.D., "Jet Engine Fault Detection with Discrete Operating Points Gas Path Analysis", AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol 7, No 6, Nov-Dec 1991, pp. 1043-1048 [abstract] (also: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), Athens, Greece, Sep. 1989)

  59. Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., Smith M.K., Papailiou K.D., "Gas Turbine Component Fault Identification by Means of Adaptive Performance Modelling", ASME paper 90-GT-376, 35th International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, Brussels, Belgium, June 10-14, 1990.

  60. Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., Loukis E., Papailiou K.D., "Computer Modelling and Data Processing Methods. An Essential Part of Jet Engine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis", Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Aircraft Integrated Monitoring Systems, RWTH, Aachen, Germany, Sept. 12-14, 1989, pp. 185-213.

  61. Stamatis A., Papailiou K.D., “Discrete Operating Conditions Gas Path Analysis”, Conference Proceedings on Engine Condition Monitoring-Technology and Experience, AGARD CP No 448.

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