List of LTT/NTUA publications on methods related to gas turbine Sensor Faults Detection and Isolation

  1. Kamboukos Ph., Mathioudakis K., "Multipoint Non-Linear Method for Enhanced Component and Sensor Malfunction Diagnosis", ASME paper GT2006-90451 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

  2. Aretakis N., Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., “Identification of Sensor Faults on Turbofan Engines Using Pattern Recognition Techniques”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 12, No. 7, July 2004, pp. 827-836 [abstract]

  3. Mathioudakis K., Romessis C., “Probabilistic Neural Networks For Validation of On-Board Jet Engine Data”, Proceedings Of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, PART G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 218, No. 1, Jan 2004, pp. 59 – 72 [abstract]

  4. Romessis C., Mathioudakis K., “Setting Up Of a Probabilistic Neural Network for Sensor Fault Detection Including Operation with Component Faults”, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol 125, No. 3, July 2003, pp. 634-641 [abstract] [PDF presentation] (also: ASME paper GT-2002-30030)

  5. Romessis C., Mathioudakis K., "Jet Engine Sensor Validation with Probabilistic Neural Networks", 5th European Turbomachinery Conference, paper DI02/197, Prague, 17-22 March 2003 [abstract] [PDF presentation]

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