List of LTT/NTUA publications on GPU Programming
Trompoukis X.S., Asouti V.G., Kampolis I.C., Giannakoglou K.C., "CUDA implementation of Vertex-Centered, Finite Volume CFD methods on Unstructured Grids with Flow Control Applications", GPU Computing Gems Vol. 2, Editor: Wei-mei Hwu, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011 (to be published)
Asouti V.G, Trompoukis X.S., Kampolis I.C., Giannakoglou K.C., "Unsteady CFD Computations Using Vertex-Centered Finite Volumes for Unstructured Grids on Graphics Processing Units", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, to appear 2010
Kampolis I.C., Trompoukis X.S., Asouti V.G., Giannakoglou K.C., "CFD-based Analysis and Two-level Aerodynamic Optimization on Graphics Processing Units", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 199, No. 9-12, pp. 712-722, 2010