List of LTT/NTUA publications related to education
Roumeliotis I., Aretakis N., Yfantis E., Mathioudakis K., Kapasakis P., "Enhanced Training on Marine Gas Turbine Degradation Effects", ECOS 2010 paper 617 [abstract]
Mathioudakis K., Aretakis N., Yfantis E., "A Possibility for On-Board Training for Marine Gas Turbine Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics", Conference Proceedings MECON 2006, 29 August-1 September 2006 Hamburg [abstract] [PDF presentation]
Mathioudakis K, Aretakis N., Kotsiopoulos P., Yfantis E., "A Virtual Laboratory for Education On Gas Turbine Principles And Operation", ASME paper GT2006-90357 [abstract] [PDF presentation]
Mathioudakis K., Argyropoulos P., "Design and Development of a Small Jet Engine Test Cell", ASME paper GT-2003-38315 [abstract] (Best paper award, of the Education Committee of IGTI / ASME)
Mathioudakis K., Politis E., Stamatis A., “A Computer Model as an Educational Tool for Gas Turbine Performance”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, Vol. 27, No. 2, April 1999, pp. 113-125 [abstract]
Mathioudakis K.: “Diagnostic Techniques Based on Fast Response Measurements”, in 'Measurement Techniques', VKI Lectures Series 1995-2, Measurement Techniques
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Enhanced Training on Marine Gas Turbine Degradation Effects
Authors:Roumeliotis I., Aretakis N., Yfantis E., Mathioudakis K., Kapasakis P.
This paper focuses on the degradation effects on marine gas turbine engines and is introducing the aspect of enhanced training in the field of performance monitoring and diagnostics via fault simulation. A particular performance model, TEACHES, built for on board training purposes in the frame of Virtual Lab, is employed to demonstrate the effects of typical faults on the operation and performance of a specific marine engine of interest. The model allows the presentation of basic rules of gas turbine engine behavior and enables users to indulge in different aspects of its operation using a graphics user interface. The faults can be easily introduced into different engine components and their impact on engine performance can be studied and evaluated allowing the derivation of faults signatures on monitoring parameters. A literature review was materialized in order to simulate the degradation effects on each component accurately.
A Possibility for On-Board Training for Marine Gas Turbine Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics
Authors:Mathioudakis K., Aretakis N., Yfantis E.
The paper discusses how performance models can be used for on board training for marine gas turbines in the field of performance monitoring and diagnostics. A particular performance model, built for on board training purposes is employed to demonstrate the different aspects of this process. The model allows the presentation of basic rules of gas turbine engine behavior and helps understanding different aspects of its operation. A smart designed graphics user interface is used to present engine operation in different ways: operating line, operating points of the components, interrelation between performance variables and parameters etc. It can be used for studying engine operation for both healthy and faulty cases featuring a novel approach, compared to existing simulation programs. The Faults can be easily implanted into different engine components and their impact on engine performance studied. The perception of fault signatures on monitoring parameters is clearly demonstrated. Diagnostics capabilities can also be incorporated in the model, allowing the introduction of measurement data from engines of unknown condition and providing a diagnosis, namely a picture of how the performance of engine components has deviated from a healthy condition.
A Virtual Laboratory for Education On Gas Turbine Principles And Operation
Authors:Mathioudakis K, Aretakis N., Kotsiopoulos P., Yfantis E.
A software package created for educating engineering students on the principles of gas turbines is presented. It starts from the presentation of basic material on the principles of gas turbine components operation (turbomachinery, combustion chambers, inlets, exhausts). The usual textbook material is supported by audiovisual material that enhances the student's ability to assimilate the principles taught. Computational tools are included, allowing the execution of design studies as well as performance simulations, for a wide range of gas turbine types. Both aircraft and land based gas turbines are covered. A user friendly interface allows the execution of calculations, whose results can be presented in a variety of formats, with the help of a flexible graphical user interface. A number of specific engines have been chosen to be represented, one of the reasons for this choice being that the package in its current form is primarily intended for use by air force and naval academy students, expected to come in contact with the specific engines employed by the corresponding organizations. Finally, a number of laboratory exercises are included. The exercises are performed in a way that is a reproduction of actual laboratory tests. The software employs audio-visual effects, including videos and other animations, to support the instruction of gas turbine principles, and is implemented in a classroom specifically designed for this purpose. The audiovisual effects are employed to transfer the actual physical reality into the classroom, creating thus the virtual environment.
Design and Development of a Small Jet Engine Test Cell
Authors:Mathioudakis K., Argyropoulos P.
The process of designing a test cell for a small jet engine is described. The test cell was designed to support educational activities in the field of gas turbines. The design was undertaken by a student, as a part of his requirements for obtaining a Mechanical Engineering Degree. The requirements for the design are first laid out, according to the characteristics of the engine to be tested and the restrictions posed by the installation location. The phases of designing and construction are presented. Technical aspects of design choices for setting up the test chamber are presented. The choice of instrumentation and the way it is arranged is discussed. Results from the first tests conducted on the finished facility are presented, first, to check how design targets have been met and second, to show what kind of information can be provided to support gas turbine courses. The fact that a multidisciplinary knowledge is applied in the project is Educational benefits for the student that has undertaken the project are discussed, while particular choices made for a better suitability for subsequent educational use are highlighted.
A Computer Model as an Educational Tool for Gas Turbine Performance
Authors:Mathioudakis K., Politis E., Stamatis A.
The use of Gas Turbine performance models for educational purposes is discussed. A particular performance model that can be used for educational purposes is presented. The model allows the presentation of baisc rules of gas turbine engine behaviour nad helps understanding the different aspects of its operation. It us equipped with a graphics interface, so it can present engine operating point data in a number of different ways: operating line, pressure and temperature distributions along the gas path, operating points of the components, variation of particular quantities with operating conditions etc. Apart from operation as an engine simulator, the model can also be used to demonstrate the principles of component matching and the behaviour of numerical algorithms for building an engine model. Finally, it allows familiarization with principles of gas turbine fault diagnosis, by incorporation of some diagnostic possibilities, again providing information in a graphical manner.