List of LTT/NTUA publications on Computational Fluid Dynamics
Kyriacou S.A., Weissenberger S., Grafenberger P., Giannakoglou K.C., "Optimization of Hydraulic Machinery by Exploiting Previous Successful Designs", 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Romania, September 20-24, 2010.
Trompoukis X., Asouti V.G., Zervogiannis T., Giannakoglou K.C., "CFD Analysis and Parametric Study-Optimization of Suction-Blowing Flow Control Techniques", 6th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Thessaloniki, June 19-21, 2008.
Liakopoulos P.I.K., Giannakoglou K.C; "Unstructured Remeshing Using an Efficient Smoothing Scheme", ECCOMAS CFD 2006 Conference, Egmond Aan Zee, The Netherlands, Sept. 5-8, 2006.
Asouti V.G., Papadimitriou D.I., Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C., "Low Mach Number Preconditioning for 2D and 3D Upwind Flow Solution Schemes on Unstructured Grids", 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Limassol, June 29- July 1, 2005.
Papadimitriou D.I., Giannakoglou K.C, Carelas E., Triantafyllos I., Freskos G., "Automated Parallel CFD Analysis of Internally Cooled Turbine Blades", 1rst International Conference "From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering", Athens, Greece, September 8-10, 2004.
Lambropoulos N.K., Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C., "Acceleration of a Navier-Stokes Equation Solver for Unstructured Grids using Agglomeration Multigrid and Parallel Processing", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 781-803, 2004.
Koubogiannis D.G., Athanassiadis A.N., Giannakoglou K.C., "One- and Two-Equation Turbulence Models for the Prediction of Complex Cascade Flows Using Unstructured Grids", Computers & Fluids, 32, pp. 403-430, 2003.
Lambropoulos N., Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C., "Agglomeration Multigrid and Parallel Processing for the Numerical Solution of the Euler Equations on 2D and 3D Unstructured Grids", 4th GRACM Conference on Computational Mechanics, Patras, June 27-29, 2002.
Tsourakis G.I., Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C., "Transition and Heat Transfer Predictions in a Turbine Cascade at Various Free-stream Turbulence Intensities through a One-Equation Turbulence Model", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 38, No. 11, pp. 1091-1110, 2002.
Georgiadis A.I., Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "Numerical Flow Simulation of a Counter-Rotating Fan Stage, Using a RANS Solver for Unstructured Grids", ISABE 2001-1194, Bangalore, India, Sept. 2-7, 2001.
Lambropoulos N., Politis E.S., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D."Co-located pressure-correction formulations on unstructured 2-D grids", Computational mechanics 27 (2001) 258-264 Springer – Verlang 2001.
Nikolaou I.G., Giannakoglou K.C., "Chapter 3: Calculation of Complex Turbomachinery Flows Using the k-ε Turbulence Model", Calculation of Complex Turbulent Flows, Ed. G. Tzabiras, Advances in Fluid Mechanics, WIT Press, 2000 (ISBN 1-85312-645-4)
Symeonides G., Zafirakis V., Mathioudakis K.,"A 3D LDA Technique for the measurement of turbulent quantities in Comples Turbomachniery flows". Demonstration in an Axisymmetric Jet. 22nd International Congress of Aeronautical Siences, ICAS 2000, Harrogate, UK, Aug27–Sept.1,2000.
Giannakoglou K.C., "Optimization and Inverse Design in Aeronautics: How to Couple Genetic Algorithms with Radial Basis Function Networks", EURODAYS 2000, Innovative Tools for Scientific Computation in Aeronautical Engineering, Paris, March 2000.
Giotis A.P., Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C., "A Parallel CFD Method for Adaptive Unstructured Grids with Optimum Grid Repartitioning", Parallel CFD 2000, Trondheim, Norway, May 2000.
Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C., "Implementation and Assessment of Low-Reynolds Turbulence Models for Airfoil Flows on Unstructured Grids", ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Barcelona, Sept. 2000.
Doukelis A., Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D., "Effect of Wall Rotation on the Performance of a high-speed Compressor cascade with tip clearance" Paper 99-7267, XIV ISABE, Florence, Italy, September 5-12, 1999.
Lambropoulos N., Politis E.S., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou, K.D. "Co-located pressure-correction formulations on Unstructured 2-D grids", Proceedings 3rd National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Volos, Greece, June 24-26, 1999, Volos, Greece, Edited by N. Avaras and J.T. katsikadelis, vol. 2, pp 779-786.
Sieros G., Papailiou K.D.,"The design of small centrifugal compressors using advanced computational means". ERCOFTAC bulletin, September 1999.
Papailiou K.D., Sieros G., Vassilopoulos C.,"Numerical study on the 3-D viscous flow in a centrifugal compressor impeller with and without consideration of tip clearance". Part 1- Comparison with experiment). Presented at ISABE, Italy, September 1999.
Politis, E.S., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou, K.D.,"High-Speed Flow in an Annular Cascade with Tip Clearance: Numerical Investigation", 43o ASME, presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition, Stockholm, June 2-5 1998, (ASME Paper 98-GT-247).
Politis, E.S., Giannakoglou, K.C., Papailiou, K.D.,"Leakage Effects in the Rotor Tip-clearance Region of a Multistage Axial Compressor, Part 2: Numerical Modelling", 43 ASME, presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congrss, Stockholm, June 2-5 1998, (ASME Paper 98-GT-592).
Koubogiannis K.G., Giannakoglou, K.C., Papailiou, K.D., "An Adaptation Method for CFD Problems with Dynamic Load-Balancing on DistributeMemory Computers", Fourth ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Athens, September 1998.
Koubogiannis K.G, Poussoulidis L.C., Rovas D.V., Giannakoglou K.C.,"Solution of Flow Problems Using Unstructured Grids on Distributed Memory Platforms", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 160, pp 89-100., 1998.
Koubogiannis D.G., Iliadis V.P., Giannakoglou K.C., "A Parallel CFD Tool to Produce Faulty Blade Signatures for Diagnostic Purposes", ASME Paper 98-GT-169, 43st ASME Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Stockholm, June 2-5, 1998.
Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "Viscous Flow Computations Using Structured and Unstructured Grids, on the Intel-Paragon", Optimum Aerodynamic Design & Parallel Navier-Stokes Computations, ECARP- European Computational Aerodynamics Research Project, VIEWEG, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 61, pp. 404-411, 1998.
Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "Unstructured Grid Adaptivity with Dynamic Load Balancing on Distributed Memory Computers", Proceedings of the 4th European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, ECCOMAS, (Mini-Symposium: "Dynamic Load Balancing"), Athens, Vol. 2, pp.171-176, Sept. 7-11, 1998.
Simandirakis G., Vassilopoulos C., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "2-D Transonic Bump Flow Calculations Using an Explicit Fractional-Step Method", Computation and Comparison of Efficient Turbulence Models for Aeronautics- European Project ETMA, VIEWEG, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 65, pp. 432-438, 1998.
Vassilopoulos C., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "Study of the Supersonic Compression Ramp Flow Using an Explicit Fractional-Step Technique and the k-ε Turbulence Model", Computation and Comparison of Efficient Turbulence Models for Aeronautics- European Project ETMA, VIEWEG, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 65, pp. 311-322, 1998.
Vassilopoulos C., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "Supersonic Rearward-Facing Step Calculations Using an Explicit Fractional-Step Method and a Two-Equation Turbulence Model", Computation and Comparison of Efficient Turbulence Models for Aeronautics- European Project ETMA, VIEWEG, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 65, pp. 76-85, 1998.
Giannakoglou K.C., Koubogiannis D.G., Giotis A.P., Rovas D.V.,"A 3-D Solver Using Unstructured Grids with Tetrahedral Elements", Proc. of the 5th National Congress on Mechanics, Ioannina, pp. 973-980, August 1998.
Doukelis A., Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D., "Investigation of the 3-D Flow Structure in a High-Speed Annular Compressor Cascade for top clearance effects", Paper 98-GT-039, 43th ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 2-5, 1998, Stockholm, Sweden.
Doukelis A., Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D.,"The effect of tip clearance Gap Size and wall rotation on the performance of a high-speed annular compressor cascade", paper 98-GT-038, 43rd ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 2-5, 1998, Stockholm, Sweden.
Politis E.S, Giannakoglou K.C.,"A Pressure Based Algorithm for High-Speed Turbomachinery Flows", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol 25, pp 63-80, Sept. 1997.
Giannakoglou K.C., Politis E.S., "A Pressure Correction Scheme Using Coupled Momentum Equations", Numerical heat Transfer, part B: Fundamentals, 32:419-435, 1997.
Politis E.S, Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou, K.D. "Axial Compressor Stage Analysis Through a Multi-Block 3-D Navier-Stokes Solution Method", ASME Paper 97-GT-093, Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, June 2-7 1997. Vol. 16, No 1 2, Jan. Dec. 1996, pp. 51 64.
Freskos, G.O., Giannakoglou, K.C., Papailiou, K.D.,"3 D Analysis of a Backswept Impeller", 2nd European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics, Antwerpen, Belgium, March 5 7, 1997.
Politis, E.S., Giannakoglou, K.C., Papailiou K.D.,"Axial Compressor Stage Analysis Through a Multi Block 3 D Navier Stokes Solution Method", 42nd ASME Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress, Exposition & Users Symposium, Orlando, USA, June 2-5, 1997, ASME 97-GT-93.
Koubogiannis, D.G., Giannakoglou, K.C., Papailiou, K.D., "Prediction of the Secondary Flow in a turbine Cascade", ΧΙΙΙ ΙSABE, Thirteenth International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, Chattanooga, Tennesse, USA, September 8-12, 1997.
Koubogiannis, D.G., Giannakoglou, K.C., Papailiou, K.D., "Prediction of Heat Transfer Effects in Turbine Cascade using Unstructured Grids and Parallel Computers", EUROTHERM Seminar No. 55, Heat Transfer in Single Phase Flows 5, Santorini, Greece, September 18-19, 1997.
Doukelis A., Mathioudakis K., Founti M., Papailiou K.D.,"3-D LDA Measurements in an Annular cascade for studying tip Clearance Effects", AGARD 90TH PEP symposium on advanced Non-intrusive Instrumentation for Propulsion Engines, Brussels, Belgium, Oct. 20-24, 1997.
Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D., Neris N., Bonhommet C., Albrand G., Wenger U,."An annular Cascade Facility for Studying Tip Clearance Effects in High Speed Flows", XIII ISABE, Sept. 8-12, 1997, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA.
Simandirakis, G., Bouras, B., Papailiou, K.D., "Shock –Boundary Layer Interaction Control, Predictions Using a Viscous-inviscid Interaction Procedure and a Navier-Stokes Solver", Journal of thermal Sciences, June 1997.
Politis, E.S., Giannakoglou, K.C., Papailiou, K.D., "IMPLICIT Method for Incompressible Flow Calculations in Three-Dimensional Ducts and Cascades", ALA journal, October 1997, Vol. 35, No 10, pp 1581-1588.
Sieros G., Stamatis A., K.Mathioudakis K., "Jet Engine Component Maps for Performance Modeling and Diagnostics", AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol 13, no 5, September-October 1997.
Nikololaou I.G., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D.,"Numerical Prediction of the Secondary Flow in a turbine Cascade", XIII ISABE, 13th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, September 8-12, 1997.
Sieros G., Vlachos P., Papailiou K.D., "The Design of a small radial compressor for a Hydrid electric vehicle gas turbine" , presented at the 1st European Conference on Clean Cars, Athens 1997.
Sieros G., Aggelis K., Simandirakis G., Bouras V., Papailiou K.D., "The design of a small axial flow turbine for a Hydrid Electric Vehicle gas turbine" , paper presented at the 1st European Conference on Clean Cars, Athens 1997.
Papailiou K.D., Etemad S., Sieros G., "Gas Turbine versus Diesel: Advantages and Disadvantages of each solution, when used to power an Electric Hydrid Vehicle", paper presented at the 1st European Conference on Clean Cars, Athens 1997.
Papailiou K.D., Etemad S., Sieros G., "Gas Turbine Hydrid Electric Vehicle project: Description and progress report", paper presented at the 1st European Conference on Clean Cars, Athens 1997.
Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C.,"A Calculation Method for Compressible Flows on a Distributed Memory Parallel Sytem", Technika Chronika, Vol. 16, No 1-12, pp 51-64, Jan.- Dec. 1996.
Koubogiannis D.G., Giannakoglou K.C.,"Acceleration of a Navier-Stokes Solver for Unstructured Grids, on a Distributed Memory Computer" 2nd National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chania, Greece, June 26-28, 1996.
Politis E.S., Giannakoglou K.C.,"Efficient Adaptation of a Pressure Correction Navier-Stokes Solver to a Multi-Domain Configuration" 2nd National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chania, Greece, June 26-28, 1996.
Bouras B., Karagiannis F., Leoutsakos G., Giannakoglou K.C, Papailiou K.D.,"Arbitrary Blade Section Design Based on Viscous Considerations. Background Information", ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol. 118, June 1996, pp. 358 363.
Chaviaropoulos P., Giannakoglou, K.C.,"A Vorticity Steam Function Formulation for Steady Incompressible Two Dimensional Flows", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 23, No 5, Sept. 1996, pp. 431 444.
Nikololaou, I.G., Giannakoglou, K.C., Papailiou, K.D., "Study of Radial Tip Clearance Effects in a Low Speed Axial Compressor Rotor", ASME Paper 96 GT 37, 41st ASME Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress, Exposition & Users Symposium, Birmingham, U.K., June 10 13, 1996.
Doukelis A., Founti M., Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D., "Evaluation of Beam Refraction Effects in a 3D Laser Doppler Anemometry System for Turbomachinery Application", Meas. Sci. Technol. 7, 1996, pp. 922-931, vol. 7, no 6, June 1996.
Giannakoglou K.C., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D.,"Boundary Fitted Parameterization of Unstructured Grids on Arbitrary Surfaces", Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 27, No 1 2, Oct. Nov. 1996, pp. 41 49.
Simandirakis G., Bouras B., Papailiou K.D.,"Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction Control. Predictions using a Viscous-Inviscid Interaction Procedure and a Navier-Stokes Solver", Third International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Sept. 1-6, 1996, Beijing, China.
Nikolos I., Douvikas D.I., Papailiou K.D., "Modelling of the Tip Clearance Losses in Axial Flow Machines", 41th ASME Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress, Exposition and Users Symposium National Exhibition Centre, June 10-13, 1996, Birmingham, U.K. (ASME Paper 96-GT-72).
Nikolos I., Douvikas D.I., Papailiou K.D.,"The Prediction of the Tip Clearance Vortex Circulation and Its Induced Flow Field in Axial Flow Machines", 41th ASME Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress, Exposition and Users Symposium National Exhibition Centre, June 10-13, 1996, Birmingham, U.K. (ASME Paper 96-GT-73).
Nikololaou I., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "Study of Radial Tip Clearance Effects in a Low-Speed Axial Compressor Rotor", 41th ASME Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress, Exposition and Users Symposium National Exhibition Centre, June 10-13, 1996, Birmingham, U.K. (ASME Paper 96-GT-37).
Baligand B., Garnier B., Mathioudakis K., Smith M., "Gas Turbine Health Monitoring Demonstrator", 2nd International Conference on Acoustical and Vibratory Surveillance Mehtods and Diagnostic Techniques-SFM/IMEKO/SFA-SEMLIS, 10-12 Oct 1995, pp 521-531.
Politis E.S., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D.,"A successive implicit method for incompressible flow calculations in three-dimensional ducts and cascades", ISABE 95-7056 , 1995.
Giannakoglou K.C., Politis E.S., "A Segregated Implicit Solution Algorithm for 2-D and 3-D Laminar Incompressible Flows", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 21, 1067-1086, December 1995.
Giannakoglou K.C., "Efficient Control Mechanisms for Grid Generation in Complex Geometries" 4th National Congress on Mechanisms, Xanthi, Greece, June 24-28, 1995.
Varonos A., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "A Design Method for Stator Cascades with Stream Surface of Revolution Using Natural Coordinates" Inverse Problems Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 119-139, 1995.
Nikolos I.K., Douvikas D.I., Papailiou K.D., "Theoretical Modelling of Relative Wall Motion Effects in Tip Leakage Flow", ASME Paper 95-GT-88.
Nikolos I.K., Douvikas D.I., Papailiou K.D., "Prediction of Losses Due to the Tip Clearance Presence in Axial Flow Machines", presented at the 85th Symposium of the Propulsion and Energetics Panel on "Loss Mechanisms and Unsteady Flows in Turbomachines", Derby, U.K., 8-12 May 1995.
Vassilopoulos C., Simandirakis G., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "Losses Prediction in Axial Flow Compressor Cascades, Using an Explicit k-ε Cascade Navier-Stokes Solver", presented at the 85th Symposium of the Propulsion and Energetics Panel on "Loss Mechanisms and Unsteady Flows in Turbomachines", Derby, U.K., 8-12 May 1995.
Vogiatzis C.A., Giannakoglou K.C., Koubogiannis D., Papailiou K.D., "Assessment of Three Implicit Solution Methods for the Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes at Low Mach Number", to be presented at the 4th National Congress on Mechanics, Xanthi, Greece, June 24-28, 1995.
Politis E., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "A Successive Implicit Method for the Compressible Flow Calculations in Three-Dimensional Ducts and Cascades", Proceedings of the 12th ISOABE, Sept. 10-15, 1995, Melbourne, Australia, ISABE 95-7056.
Sieros G., Stamatis A., Mathioudakis K., "Analytical Representation of Jet Engine Turbomachinery Components Characteristics for Use in Engine Performance Modelling and Diagnosis", Proceedings of the 12th ISABE, Sept. 10-15, 1995, Melbourne, Australia, ISABE 95-7056.
Papailiou K.D., "Selected Contributions in the Field of CFD by the Thermal Turbomachinery Lab. (LTT/NTUA)", Surveys on Mathematics for Industry, Vol. 4, No 4, 1995, pp. 337-353.
Bouras B., Leoutsakos G., Thomadakis M., Papailiou K.D., "An Integral Method for Compressible Unsteady Shear Layers", Eurotherm Seminar 46, "Heat Transfer in Single Phase Flows 4", Pisa 3-4 July, 1995.
Simandirakis G., Papailiou K.D.,"Heat Transfer Analysis of Turbine Cascades Through a Navier-Stokes Solver", Eurotherm Seminar 46, "Heat Transfer in Single Phase Flows 4", Pisa 3-4 July, 1995.
Doukelis A., Founti M., Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D.,"A Three-Component Laser Doppler Anemometer for Measurements in a Turbomachinery Annulus", Eurotherm Seminar 46, "Heat Transfer in Single Phase Flows 4", Pisa 3-4 July, 1995.
Chaviaropoulos P., Dedoussis V., Papailiou K.D.,"On the 3-D Inverse Potential Target Pressure Problem. Part 2. Numerical Aspects and Application to Duct Design", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 282, 1995, pp. 147-162.
Simandirakis G., Dejean F., Vassilopoulos Ch., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "Steady and Unsteady Two-Dimensional Flow Calculations Using an Explicit Fractional-Step Algorithm", Proc. of the ECCOMAS 94 CONFERENCE, 5-8 September, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 701-710.
Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "A Preconditioned GMRES Pressure Correction Algorithm for Incompressible, Laminar and Turbulent Flows", Proc. of the ECCOMAS 94 CONFERENCE, 5-8 September, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 16-23.
Doukelis A., Founti M., Mathioudakis K., Papailiou K.D. "A General Procedure for Calculating and Correcting the Displacement of Laser Beams Passing Through Plane and Cylindrical Windows using a Three Component Laser Doppler Anemometer for Turbomachinery Applications", Seventh Intern. Symp. On Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Intern. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, July 11th to 14th, 1994, Lisbon, Portugal.
Dejean F., Vassilopoulos C., Simandirakis G., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "Analysis of Transonic Turbomachinery Flows Using a 2-D Explicit Low-Reynolds k-ε Navier-Stokes Solver", Paper to be published at the 39th ASME International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exposition, June 13-16, 1994, The Hague. (ASME Paper 94-GT-63).
Malamatenios CH., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "A Coupled Two-Phase Shear Layer/Liquid Film Calculation Method. Formulation of the Physical Problem and Solution Algorithm". Paper published in International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 20, No 3, June 1994, pp. 593-612.
Chaviaropoulos P., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "A Numerical Method for Generating Structured Grids of Desired Properties, on Complex 3-D Surfaces", Proc. of the ECCOMAS 94 CONFERENCE, 5-8 September, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 225-233.
Giannakoglou K.C., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "Boundary Fitted Parametrization of Unstructured Topologies in Arbitrary Surfaces", Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, August 30 - September 1, 1994, CIVIL-COMP Ltd, M. Papadrakakis and B.H.V. Topping (Eds), Vol. Advances in Simulation and Interaction Techniques, pp. 149-155.
Simandirakis G., Vassilopoulos C., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "2-D Transonic Bump Flow Calculations Using an Explicit Fractional-Step Method", Proceedings of the Efficient Turbulence Models for Aeronautics (ETMA) Workshop, November 14-17, 1994, Manchester, U.K., Vieweg Publ.
Vassilopoulos C., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "Study of the Supersonic Compression Ramp Flow Using an Explicit Fractional-Step Technique and the k-ε Turbulence Model", Proceedings of the Efficient Turbulence Models for Aeronautics (ETMA) Workshop, November 14-17, 1994, Manchester, U.K., Vieweg Publ.
Vassilopoulos C., Giannakoglou K.C., Papailiou K.D., "Supersonic Rearward-Facing Step Calculations Using an Explicit Fractional-Step Method and a Two-Equation Turbulence Model", Proceedings of the Efficient Turbulence Models for Aeronautics (ETMA) Workshop, November 14-17, 1994, Manchester, U.K. Vieweg Publ.
Lymberopoulos N., Giannakoglou K.C., Nikololaou, Papailiou K.D., "Modeling of Tip Clearance Flows Through an Improved 3-D Pressure Correction Navier-Stokes Solver", ASME paper 93-GT-374, International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 24-27, 1993.
Lymberopoulos N., Giannakoglou K., Tourlidakis A., Nikololaou I., ELDER R.L., Papailiou K.D., "Accurate Modelling of Tip Clearance Flows Through a 3-D Pressure Correction Navier-Stokes Solver", 38th ASME Intern.Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, 24 - 27/5, 1993, Cincinnati (ASME Paper 93-GT-374).
Nikolos J., Douvikas D., Papailiou K.D., "A Method for the Calculation of the Tip Clearance Flow Effects in Axial Flow Compressors", Part I: Description of Basic Models (ASME Paper 93-GT-150). Part II: Calculation Procedure (ASME Paper 93-GT-151), 38th ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, May 24-27, 1993, Cincinnati, USA.
Chaviaropoulos P., Dedoussis V., Papailiou K.D., "Compressible Flow Airfoil Design Using Natural Coordinates", Paper published in the Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 110 (1993), pp. 131-142.
Dedoussis B., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "Single-Pass Method for the Solution of the 2-D & 3-D Inverse Potential Problem", Paper to be included in "Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vieweg Verlag, 1993.
Koumadakis M., Dedoussis V., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "Design of Axisymmetric Channels with Rotational Flow", Paper to be presented at AIAA 24th Fluid Dynamics Conference, July 6-9, 1993, Orlando, Florida, AIAA Paper 93-3117. Also accepted to be published in AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power.
Malamatenios CH., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "Calculation of Internal Two-Phase Flows Through An Integral Shear Layer Method". Proc. of the 2nd Intern. Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF). Edited by DVORAK, R. & KVAPILOVA, J.), July 12-15 1993, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 2, pp. 367-373.
Chaviaropoulos P., Bouras B., Leoutsakos G., Papailiou K.D., "Design of Optimized Profiles for Stall Regulated HAWTs. Part 1: Design Concepts and Method Formulation", Paper published at the Journal Wind Engineering, Vol. 17, No 6, 1993, pp. 275-287.
Giannakoglou K., Lymberopoulos N., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "A Navier-Stokes Vorticity-Streamfunction Formulation for Two-Dimensional Flows", Proc. of the Fourth International Conference of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. II, Alexandria, April 28-30, 1992.
Vassilopoulos C., Simandirakis G., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "A Rotor-Stator Interaction Study Through An Implicit Euler Code On A Parallel Machine", Proc.of the Fourth International Conference of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. II, Alexandria, April 28-30, 1992.
Dedoussis V., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "A 3-D Inverse Methodology Applied to the Design of Axisymmetric Ducts", Paper to be presented at the 37th ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 1-4, 1992, Koln Messe, Cologne, Germany. (ASME Paper 92-GT-290).
Kiousis P., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "Meridional Flow Calculation Using Advanced CFD Techniques", Paper to be presented at the 37th ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 1-4, 1992, Koln Messe, Cologne, Germany. (ASME Paper 92-GT-325).
Leoutsakos G., Papailiou K.D., "Transition Prediction in Attached and Separated Shear Layers Using an Integral Method", Paper to be presented at the 37th ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 1-4, 1992, Koln Messe, Cologne, Germany. (ASME Paper 92-GT-281).
Chaviaropoulos P, Dedoussis V., Papailiou K.D., "A Robust Inverse Inviscid Method for Airfoil Design", Proceedings of the First European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Brussels, 7-11 September, 1992.
Giannakoglou K., Lymberopoulos N., Tourlidakis I., Nikololaou I., ELDER R.L., Papailiou K.D., "Adaptation of a 3-D Pressure Correction Navier-Stokes solver for the Accurate Modelling of Tip Clearance Flows", to be presented at the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Compressor and Turbine Aerothermodynamics, France, November 24-25, 1992. Accepted for publication in the Revue Francaise de Mecanique.
Malamatenios CH., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "An Integral Boundary Layer Method for Two-Phase Flows in Steam Turbines", Intern. Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 18, No 1, 1992.
Giannakoglou K., Simandirakis G., Papailiou K.D., "Turbine Cascade Calculations Through a Fractional Step Navier-Stokes Algorithm", Paper presented in 1991 IGTI Gas Turbine Conference and Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, June 3-6, 1991, (ASME Paper 91-GT-55).
Hadzidakis M., Karagiannis F., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "Unsteady Euler Calculations in 2-D Internal Aerodynamics with Introduced Vorticity", Paper presented in 1991 IGTI Gas Turbine Conference and Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, June 3-6, 1991. (ASME Paper 91-GT-168).
Bouras B., Karagiannis F., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "Arbitrary Blade Section Design Based on Viscous Considerations, Blade Optimization", Paper presented in the International Symposium on Numerical Simulations in Turbomachinery Joint ASME-JSME Fluids Egineering Meeting, Portland, Oregon, june 23-26, 1991.
Bouras B., Karagiannis F., Leoutsakos G., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "Arbitrary Blade Section Design Based on Viscous Considerations, Background Information", International Symposium On Numerical Simulations In Turbomachinery Joint ASME-JSME Fluids Engineering Meeting, Portland, Oregon, June 23-26, 1991. "Numerical Simulations in Turbomachinery" Edited by A.A. Hamed, FED. Vol. 120. To be published in the Journal of Fluids Engineering.
Bonataki E., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D.,"An Inverse Inviscid Method for the Design of Quasi-Three Dimensional Turbomachinery Cascades", International Symposium On Numerical Simulations In Turbomachinery Joint ASME-JSME Fluids Engineering Meeting, Portland, Oregon, June 23-26, 1991. "Numerical Simulations in Turbomachinery" Edited by A.A. Hamed, FED.-Vol. 120. Also published in the J. of Fluids Engineering, Vol.115, No 1, 1993.
Dedoussis V., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D.,"Rotational Compressible Inverse Design Method for Two Dimensional Internal Flow Configurations", Paper presented at the 10th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), Nottingham, Sept. 1-6, 1991, pp. 351-362. Also published in AIAA Journal. Vol.31, No 3, March 1993.
Lambiris B., Mathioudakis K., Stamatis A., Papailiou K.D., "Adaptive Modelling of Jet Engine Performance With Application to Condition Monitoring", Paper presented at the 10th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), Nottingham, Sept. 1-6, 1991, pp. 573-578. Revised version in AIAA Journal of propulsion and Power, vol. 10, No 6, Nov.-Dec. 1994, pp 890-896.
Bonataki E., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "An Inverse Inviscid Method for the Design of Quasi-Three Dimensional Rotating Turbomachinery Cascades", ICIDES-III, Washington, Oct. 23-25, 1991.
Papailiou K.D., Bouras B., Karagiannis F., "Experimental Validation of a Separated Shear Layer Model on a Compressible Flow Plane Cascade", Proceedings of the Third European Propulsion Forum, EPF 91, ONERA - Paris, 13-14-15 November 1991, pp. 105-128
Malamatenios CH., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "An Integral Boundary Layer Method for Two-Phase Flows in Steam Turbines", Intern. Paper presented at the European Conference on Turbomachinery, 19-20 March 1991, I. Mech.E. / London. Intern. Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol 18, no 1, 1992.
Hadzidakis M., Karagiannis F., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "Unsteady Euler Calculations in 3D Internal Aerodynamics", Paper presented in 77th Symposium of the Propulsion and Energetics Panel AGARD/NATO, 27-31 May 1991.
Malamatenios CH., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D.,"A Calculation Method for Gas-Droplet Flows In Turbomachinery Components Including Viscous Effects", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence and Measurements, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 24-28 September 1990, pp. 917-926.
Chaviaropoulos P., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D.,"A Novel Scalar-Vector Potential Formulation for the Numerical Solution of 3D Steady Inviscid Rotational Flow Problems", AIAA Journal, Vol. 28, No 10, October 1990, 1734-1740.
Papailiou K.D., Chaviaropoulos P., Giannakoglou K., "Some CFD Activities in the Thermal Turbomachinery Lab of NTUA", ERCOFTAC Bulletin, March 1990.
Bouras B., Giannakoglou K., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D.,"Numerical Simulation of HAWT Blade Section Characteristics Using Advanced Computational Tools", Proceedings of the 1990 European Community Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Madrid, Spain, Sept. 10-14, 1990, pp. 238-242.
Papailiou K.D., Bouras B.,"Arbitrary Blade Section Design Based on Viscous Considerations", von Karman Institute, Lecture Series on "Inverse Methods in Airfoil Design for Aeronautical and Turbomachinery Applications", VKI LS 1990, AGARD-R-780.
Kaldelis J., Douvikas D., Falchetti F., Papailiou K.D., "A Secondary Flow Calculation Method for One Stage Axial Transonic Flow Compressors, including Shock-Secondary Flow Interaction", Paper presented at the 1989 ASME IGTI Intern. Gas Turbine Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, Toronto, Canada and Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 112, No 3, October 1990, pp. 652-668. (ASME Paper 89-GT-210).
Douvikas D., Kaldelis J., Papailiou K.D., "Secondary Flow Calculations for Axial and Radial Compressors", Paper presented in AGARD Conference on "Secondary Flows in Turbomachines", Luxembourg, August 28-September 1, 1989. AGARD-CP 469.
Douvikas D., Kaldelis J., Papailiou K.D., "A Secondary Flow Calculation Method for one Stage Centrifugal Compressor", Proc.of the 9th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), Athens, Greece, September 1989. Also to be published at the J. of Propulsion and Power.
Simandirakis G., Giannakoglou K., Alkalai K., Papailiou K.D., "Calculation of Axisymmetric Flows in Turbomachines through an Explicit Time-Splitting Method", Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), Athens, Greece, Sept. 1989.
Hadzidakis M., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "A Two-Dimensional Unsteady Potential Solver In Internal Aerodynamics Flow Problems", Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11-15, 1989, Springer Verlag Editions.
Simandirakis G., Giannakoglou K., Alkalai K., Papailiou K.D., "Development and Application of a Fractional-Step Method for the Solution of Transonic and Supersonic Flow Problems", Proceedings of the Fifth Intern. Symposium on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Lymberopoulos N., Giannakoglou K., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "A Potential Prediction of Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flows Through Turbomachinery Blade Rows", GAMM Workshop, Lauzanne 1989.
Gerolymos G.A, KALIAS Y.N., Papailiou K.D., "The Behaviour of the Normal Fluctuation terms in the Case of Attached and detached Turbulent Boundary-Layers", Revue Phys. Appl. 24, 1989.
Simandirakis G., Alkalai K., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "TRANSONIC Inviscid Computations Using an Explicit Fractional Step Method", Second national Congress on Mechanics, Athens, June 29-July 1, 1989.
Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "A Full Potential Flow Prediction around Rotor Blades", Second National Congress on mechanics, Athens, June 29-july 1, 1989.
Kaldelis J., Douvikas D., Papailiou K.D., "A Secondary Flow Calculation Method Based on the Meridional Vorticity Transport Equation", ASME Paper 88-GT-260, 1988.
Papailiou K.D., "Some results on Flow Calculations involving Drag Prediction", AGARD FDP, Lisbon, Portugal, May 1988.
Giannakoglou K., Chaviaropoulos P. Papailiou K.D., "Computation of Rotational Transonic Flows Using a Decomposition Method", AIAA J., vol. 26, No 10, October 1988, pp 1175-1180
Sotiropoulos F., Alkalai K., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "Application of a Fractional Step Algorithm to the Solution of Inviscid Turbomachinery Flow Problems", Paper presented in the 109th WAM of ASME, Chicago, USA, November 1988 and published in "Flows in Non-Rotating Turbomachinery Components", FED-Vol.69, edited by Rohatgi U.S., Hamed A., Kim J.H.
Giannakoglou K., Chaviaropoulos P. Papailiou K.D., "Acceleration of Standard Full-Potential and Elliptic Euler Solvers, using Preconditioned Generalized Minimal Residual Techniques", Paper presented in the 109th WAM of ASME, Chicago, USA, November 1988 and published in "Flows in Non-Rotating Turbomachinery Components", FED-Vol.69, edited by Rohatgi U.S., Hamed A., Kim J.H.
Papailiou K.D , Chaviaropoulos P., Bonataki E., Bouras B., "Aerodynamic Investigation of Horizontal Axis Wind Energy machine Rotors", Proceedings of the European Community Wind Energy Conference, Herning, Denmar, June 6-10, 1988.
Lambropoulos L., Ktenidis P., Papailiou K.D., "Boundary Layer Development on Rotating Bodies of Revolution", Proceedings, Symposium AGARD sur "Les Effects Visqueux dans les Turbomachines", Copenhagen, Denmark, AGARD-CP-351, June 1988.
Boletis E., Chaviaropoulos P., Bouras B., Bonataki E., Papailiou K.D., "A complete inverse calculation procedure for the optimization of horizontal-axis wind turbine airfoils", Proceedings of the European Community Wind Energy Conference, Herning, Denmark, June 6-10, 1988.
Chaviaropoulos P., Bonataki E., Papailiou K.D., "HAWT Performance Prediction using Inviscid Flow Models", European Symposium on "Soft Energy Sources at the Local Level", Naxos, Greece, Aug. 29-September 2, 1988.
Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "A full-potential prediction of a HAWT rotor performance", Proceedings of the European Community Wind Energy Conference, Herning, Denmark, June 6-10, 1988.
Douvikas D., Kaldelis J., Papailiou K.D., "The Circumferential Velocity Profile for Secondary Flow Calculations", ASME Congress, Anaheim, California, May 5-June 5, 1987, (ASME Paper 87-GT-255).
Kallas J., Papailiou K.D., "A Method for the Calculation of the Interaction of a Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Shock Wave", Proc.of the 8th Intern. Society of Air Breathing Engines, (ISABE), Cincinati, Ohio, U.S.A., 1987. (ISABE 87-7074).
Pavis S., Ktenidis P., Papailiou K.D., "Boundary Layer Development Passing from a Stationary to a Rotating Axisymmetric Surface", Proc.of the 8th Intern. Society of Air Breathing Engines, (ISABE), Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A., 1987. (ISABE 87-7023).
Papailiou K.D., Chaviaropoulos P., Giannakoglou K.C., "Solving Euler’s Equations by means of the Decomposition of the Velocity Vector Field into a Potential and a Rotential Part" 4th International Symposium on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Georgia, Atlanta, USA, March 24-28, 1986.
Chaviaropoulos P., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "Numerical Computation of Three-Dimensional Rotational Inviscid Subsonic Flows using the Decomposition of the Flow Field into a Potential and a Rotational Part", Intern. Gas Turbine Conference and Exhibit, Dusseldorf, W.Germany, June 8-12, 1986. (ASME Paper 86-GT-169).
Giannakoglou K., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "Numerical Computation of Two-Dimensional Rotational Inviscid Transonic Flows, Using the Decomposition of the Flow Field into a Potential and a Rotational Part", Proceedings of the 7th Conf. of ISABE, Beijing, China, 1985.
Harlaftis S., Leboeuf F., Papailiou K.D., "Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Turbulent Axisymmetric Shear-Layer Interaction in a Two-Dimensional Smooth-Wall Passage", ASME, 106th WAM, Miami, Florida, November 1985.
Kotidis P., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "An Investigation of the Tranverse Velocity Profile in the Case of Internal Viscous Aerodynamic Problems" ASME Paper 84-GT-218, 1984.
Chaviaropoulos P., Giannakoglou K., Papailiou K.D., "Numerical Computation of Two-Dimensional Rotational Inviscid Compressible Subsonic Flows Using the Decomposition of the Flow Field in a Potential and Rotational Part" Proceedings of the 39th Congresso Nazionale ATI, L"Aquila, September 12-14, 1984.
Gerolymos G., Kallas Y., Papailiou K.D., "The Behaviour of the Normal Fluctuation Terms in the Case of Attached or Detached Turbulent Boundary Layers", ASME Paper 84-GT-263, 1984.
Bois G., Papailiou K.D., "A Contribution to the Study of the Design of An Industrial Centrifugal Compressor", ASME Paper 84-GT-60, 1984.
Papailiou K.D., "Some aspects of modern radial compressor design", Course presented at the 39th Congresso Nationale ATI, L"Aquila, 1984.
Papailiou K.D., "Course on calculation methods of transonic flow in turbo- machines", Course given at the Genova Univ., 1983, 1984.
Giannakoglou K., Chaviaropoulos P., Papailiou K.D., "Development of a Calculation method for the case of two-dimensional rotational inviscid flow using a transformation which separates the flow field in a potential and a rotational part". Proceedings of the 38th Congresso Nazionale ATI, Bari, September 28-30, 1983.
Stamatis A., Ktenidis P., Papailiou K.D., "Viscous Inviscid Interaction in the Case of a Laminar Separation Bubble", Proceedings of the 38th Congresso Nazionale ATI, Bari, September 28-30, 1983.
Papailiou K.D., "A Contribution to the Calculation of Secondary Flows in an Axial Compressor", Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium of Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), Paris, June, 1983.
Papailiou K.D., "How to Orient the Scientific and Technological Capacities towards meeting industrial and social needs", Presented at the OFCD Meeting, Dubrovnik, 21-23/9/1983.
Papailiou K.D., "Boundary Layer calculation in turbine blades", Course presented at the 38th National Congress ATI, Bari, Sept. 1983.